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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From 30,000 Feet

Well, not everything is as it seems from 30,000 feet. First of all, it looks like there is nobody on my island. Second, because from here all I can only see is the lush green canopy.  I assume that the glow of the Mcdonalds golden arches or the brightness of Wendy's pigtails must be hiddens somewhere beneith the canopy and I eagerly anticipate the fastfood I have become accusomed to, but as I knew deep in my heart, the grease and beef of the USA could not be matched, not even on my island, and simply put, there is nothing "fast" about the food in Fiji. Although I have discovered the lone Mcdonalds on the island, I have yet to try it. Subconciously I believe it is an attempt to convince myself that I am somehow more worldly or well rounded, so I have been trying the local places and dishes, and here is roughly what I have found...
1) you better love Seafood
2) you better love Curry
3) tomato sauce is considered ketchup here
4) if you are in a hurry, don't sit down, cause even "fastfood" will take you atleast 30 min."
5) you better still love curry
6) beef is not common, but did I mention you better like seafood
7) lastly, oh, yeah, get used to curry.
Whether it was my Chicken burrito (with curry), my fettucinni alfredo (with curry) or my BBQ beef sandwich (that tasted like it had a bit of curry) it only took me a month to realize I needed to find at least one "go-to" place that I could get something that my stomach might think familiar. (Of course this does not include the AWESOME fruite which I have been living off of. No pestisides, no preservatives, simply AMAZING!)
Okay, I digress, I guess the best way to put it is that up until last night, I was not overly excited about most of the food options I had expirienced, but then, Wait....Wait....Wait for it..... I went to the Hardrock Cafe at Port Denurau! Jimmy Buffett must have writen "Cheeseburger in Paradise" based on my dinner! A huge beef patty, Heinz Ketchup, Frenches Mustard, Cheddar Cheese, perfect french frys, and all the fixin's... Just when I did not think it could happen, life got even better! Great food, great beer, great weather, and in great company with Jenn!  I found Heaven on the peir in Fiji!
I figured it out, what I could not see from 30,000 feet was how awesome life here on my island is going to be, and it just keeps getting better!
We should get keys to the "Palace" (more info to follow) by weeks end and be officially moving in shortly there after. So incase I failed to mention it, LIFE IS GREAT!
I am working on getting some photos and maybe even a video to put up, but until then I'll be sitting in the sun, most likely eating curry...


  1. Casey! I love it! Now I know that moving to fiji is a real option, not just sione crazy fantasy! These updates are great!

  2. Awesome brotha!... glad you found a good place.. oh and you may want to try the McDonalds... they have Lamb-Burgers instead of Hamburgers... LOL and the food is much much much more different other than the fries for some reason....
